Welcome to Ora Energetics

Where I, Gabby, am honoured to guide you on a transformative journey towards finding balance, well-being, and self-discovery. I am passionate about using my knowledge and experience to help you explore your inner self and unlock your full potential.

I was first introduced to spinal energetics through Dr. Sarah Jane’s work on Instagram, and I immediately recognized a connection between her approach and my own innate healing abilities. Intrigued and inspired, I knew I had to make the journey to Melbourne to learn more about this transformative method, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to do so.

My upbringing was enriched by my grandparents’ teachings, who played a vital role in nurturing my intuition and spiritual development. My grandfather was an Anglican minister and tohunga, while my grandmother was a healer. Both devoted their lives to serving others, and their influence has helped shape my approach to healing and transformation.

Spinal Energetics

Through my own journey, I have learned that our greatest lessons and gifts arise from friction, vulnerability, and the willingness to evolve. That is why I provide a safe and nurturing space at Ora Energetics, where you can explore your own complexities, vulnerabilities, and triumphs. Everyone has the capacity for growth and change, and my goal is to help you discover and appreciate your unique journey. At the heart of Ora Energetics lies a powerful symbol – the pikoura – which represents the connection between the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā and the nurturing embrace of the Whenua. The pikoura infuses every session with the wisdom passed down through generations, and its lines symbolise the interconnectedness of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. As we weave together the guiding principles of Te Whare Tapa Whā and the art of Spinal Energetics, we create a unique tapestry of healing and discovery that is tailored to your needs. I aim to empower you to explore your inner self, find balance, and achieve well-being. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.