What is Spinal Energetics?

Spinal Energetics is a unique modality developed by Dr. Sarah Jane, a Chiropractor and Counsellor. It is a practice that blends Eastern and Western philosophy to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to tap into their innate wisdom to self-heal.All living beings are not just physical entities, but also beings of energy. Energy encompasses all aspects of our being, including physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul. These aspects are woven together with our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and character. Energy is a spectrum ranging from underactive to overactive. As practitioners of Spinal Energetics, we aim to assist our clients in achieving a state of homeostasis and balance, as we believe that well-being is everyone’s birthright.Through gentle touch (and sometimes no touch), a natural flow of movement and sound is initiated, which helps shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body.

Through light yet powerful touch

These movements and sounds are natural and instinctive, driven by the individual’s energy, intuition, and instinct. Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, but rather a practice of collaboration to cultivate deep self-awareness, and to help clients overcome patterns of resistance that may be blocking their well-being.Spinal Energetics draws on various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release, and Pranayama.